Thursday, June 9, 2011

Interior Pics

Warning: pictures taken the week we moved in - pretty messy looking. 
Final pics uploaded soon!

Final Grade and Sod

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Drew's baseball painted on his wall. 

Monday, June 6, 2011
Back yard final grade complete, sump pump trenched to back yard property line, backyard, west side lot, and boulevard sod laid.  Front yard grade and more sod to come. The landscaper even let Drew "help" lay one roll.  Pretty neat!

AC hooked up - just in time for two 90 degree days in a row.

Wed, May 25, 2011
Water Softener hooked up, gas line to the house hooked up. 

Thursday, May 18, 2011
City sidewalks installed.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

gutters done

May 17
Gutters done.

May 13
Window coverings installed.

May 11
Moving Day!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

odds n ends

Monday, May 2 - Friday, May 6, 2011
Little things done this week, mostly by us now - the professionals are basically done!  Vacuumed the new carpet, cleaned the showers, moved more boxes over, unpacked a few boxes.  Heating guys cleaned out the vents and put on the covers.  That's really it. Here's what's left:
--Living Room carpet
--Touch up paint
--install window coverings (bathroom, 3 bedrooms, more to be ordered later)
--take ghetto-looking stickers off windows, fridge, tub, toilets, etc hehe
--Bathroom mirrors
--House number
--Columns on front porch
--Gas line into house
--Final Grade, sod/seed
--Christmas light outlet opening made, electrical work done
--Gutters (scheduled for Monday)
--Change our address -  haven't even done this with the postal service yet.
--Sell old  house :)

That's all folks.  Moving in on Wed, May 11th!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

carpet, electrical, cleanup

Friday, April 29, 2011
The yard is supposed to be picked up today.  The Parade of Homes starts this weekend and there are a few houses in Shadow Wood that are part of it - one is just 4 houses down.  Suppose we don't want to bring down the neighborhood. hehe Hopefully at least one trailer is moved out of there, too.  Sure will look different without trash and trailers in the front! 

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Carpet was supposed to be fininshed up but the living room carpet had a flaw in it and is being returned, reordered and hopefully laid in a week.  Rest of the house carpet is finished!  The weather has been gorgeous out so we haven't even been to the new house to see the carpet yet.  Plenty of time for that this weekend.  Electricians finished completely today I guess, well except for the Christmas lights outlet that was supposed to be in the sofits outside.  That accidently got covered over.  Ooops!  

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Tuesday and Wednesday April 26-27, 2011
Carpet installed!
Day 1:

Day 2:

Final Finish Work, Plumbing

Monday, April 25, 2011
Finish work nearing completion!  All closet shelving installed, doorstops put on all doors, basement doors hung, other misc. finish work complete.  Plumbers came back and installed the dishwasher and a bigger water heater.  More cleaning (by Mom!) to try to contain the dust.