Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Heating guys were there and have started cutting out rectangles for the heating duct work to be installed. Plumbing guys have been there too - started checking things out. Brady and I made a change to the back entry and also the heating mechanical chase needed to be modified to make way for the duct work without cutting a load-bearing floor beam. So, we have a new configuration for the garage entry which includes a laundry room/half bath, a small closet for stuff like the vacuum, and also an area we can put a bench in for getting shoes on. There were already some walls up so a little framing re-doing had to be done... bummer. But, better now than later. They were also doing a little more framing: The kitchen corner pantry is in. Siding was in fact delivered. Some building materials were returned to Simonson as framing is wrapping up. No pictures today - we were just talking and it was the end of their workday.